Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Primal Blueprint...disappointed!!

Have finally received the Primal Blueprint.  Which I've now read from cover to cover. I really like the layout, colour photos and clear practical advice.

So why am I disappointed?  Well basically there was nothing new if you've been following LCHF for some time.  (For me that's since April) No grains and limit carbohydrates. Most of the information easily gleaned just by surfing the net!!
 Mark does suggest some carbs that my husband and I no longer eat, because we're trying to keep to 30g of carbs a day.  Why?  because of the diabetes and the imprtance of keeping BS stable. This is in line with Dr. Bernstein's 'Diabetes solution' considered to be the bible on diabetes by many who've had terrific results following his advice.
And I wonder if it really is possible to lose weight if carbs were upped by eating fruit, carrots etc.
So some interesting ideas re exercise and encouragement to purge your pantry of all non primal foods. (I'd already done this by a change in shopping habits.) There's also a journal at the back to log 21 days of changeover but I'd rather blog. So this one is going to be resold via Amazon.

After logging on to the active low carbers forum  I found a really interesting article that compared most of the LCHF diets and I was amazed to find that published LCHF diets have been around since the sixties at least, with all the latest ones just really tweaking what's gone before. So unsurprisingly, there's nothing revolutionary about this (The Primal Blueprint) unless it's the first time you've heard it. The cookbook is useful especially as it details how many carbs in a portion and I really like the the bog Marks daily apple although I'm finding it difficult to get on the forum still waiting for the email to allow me to activate it 3 days later (and yes I have looked in my junk mail!)
So for me I'm going back to 'The High Fat diet' by Zana Morris it promises 10lbs in 14 days,
last time I lost 7....
Day 1 begins tomorrow!! 

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Nearly there...

Three years on...                                       and the end is in sight... Finally,  within 2lbs of my target ...