Doctors, dieticians the experts in health or the experts in disease!?

No, we just want advice as to how to put our bodies right...don't we? Maybe it's just me but I've never, ever been asked about my diet. Even when I suddenly developed a red itchy rash on my hands, thumb and finger, I was just prescribed cream after cream, none of them worked, they didn't even take the itching out.
Oh and this was the doctor at my practice who was deemed the 'expert' in skin diseases. His diagnosis, eczema and I'd have it for life. I just needed to apply a steroid cream whenever it flared up! Plus he warned me against applying it too liberally because of the side effects.
In all fairness he was an 'expert' his medical training made him able to diagnose the rash, and also to know the current medical treatment for it. The only problem was he had little or no knowledge of the links of food/diet, to health.
Consequently, he asked me about the symptoms I was experiencing, looked at the rash under a magnifying glass BUT never talked about diet and nutrition. At the time I was eating quite a lot of processed food, not to mention the odd take away!
I'm not knocking the medical profession,currently my husband's health is helped by the medication prescribed, well it's keeping him alive. BUT...
What if... all those years ago when he was first diagnosed with diabetes type 2, instead of being told it was a progressive disease with the implication there was nothing that could be done, his diet had been looked at.
What if... instead of the dietary advice given (which was the NHS healthy eating plate , now shown to be flawed) He had eaten whole grains, lots of veg and fruit, cutting out completely refined sugars and low fat products and brought his sugars under control years earlier (They're under control now due to a change of diet)
Maybe...he would never have developed heart disease he certainly wouldn't have suffered from leg ulcers!
We can't prove this... but I think it's about time that Doctors and dieticians training adhered more to Hippocrates who famously said:
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
While waiting for change (and we have to remember the part pharmaceutical companies have in this. After all it's a booming industry!) Surely, we could all help ourselves by looking at what we eat. It makes sense to me that if we continually feed our bodies food depleted of nutrients and filled with toxins, eventually our bodies will break down.
Digestive problems, rashes, fatigue, headaches, are warning bells, like a flashing red light on the dashboard of your car. Our bodies are trying to get us to pay attention and do something about it!
As for me, I do not have eczema anymore since I radically changed my diet and after yesterday's foray into the world of junk food, I'm feeling much better now... juicing my way back!!
This super little juice is from Jason Vale's 5:2 cookbook. He calls it, 'Tumeric Temptation' I'd rename it, 'Tumeric Restoration' it's delicious and very soothing on my gut.
So easy to make:
1 apple
1 good sized pear
2 carrots
1 lime peeled but with the pith on
and 30 cm of turmeric (or a large pinch)
Everything gets juiced (if using dried turmeric just stir in to the juice)
Pour over ice and let it do it's thing....mmmm!
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