Saturday, 18 July 2015

debunking the Paleo diet

Watched a Youtube clip which debunked the Paleo diet

Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU 

It's interesting rather than entertaining, like a mediocre lecture, I was switching off at the end of the video.

Although I know that The Primal Blueprint ( PB) is an ofshoot of Paleo I wasn't concerned.  Quite honestly I'd skimmed through all the stuff (only read the sample first chapter of PB so far) on caveman, ancestry, evolution (I don't even believe in's still only an unproven theory) I felt that most of what was suggested about how man lived millions of years ago had to include a lot of supposition and guesswork. I was more interested in the food that made up the diet plan and I liked the way it matched up to a large extent with LCHF.

And the reason I'm choosing this way to lose weight is because of the massive benefits it has for my husband who's a diabetic/ recovering carboholic.  It's just easier to cook the same meals for both of us and the food is delicious.

Made my first meal from PB quick cookbook today, sausages wrapped in cabbage leaves with a creamy mustard sauce.

mustard sauce

Friday, 17 July 2015

Serial dieter

I'm beginning to think this blog should be called 'confessions of a serial dieter'...
As I seem to be trying one diet after another. 

I'd love to follow the intuitive eating plan

But just can't let go of those scales!

The main reason I persist in trying to lose weight is because I've an ideal weight in mind and when I get there I'll feel as though I've got a buffer against my weight spiralling up again.

So weighed myself today maintained (I hate that word)  Meanwhile my husband who gives very little thought to his food, just eats what I put in front of him has lost another 4lbs!

So looking on the bright side at least I've not gained weight. The book detailing the Primal Blueprint should arrive soon and hopefully I'll begin losing again. Meanwhile it's crossed toes and hanging on in there until my next weigh in.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Primal Blueprint cookbook

I've just got the 'Quick and easy' cookbook.  Wow! It's exactly what I needed.
 I love it !

I love

  •  the way not only the final cooked dish is illustrated, but there are two more photos. One shows all the ingredints laid out then another shows the food prepared for cooking

  •  the simple instructions
  • that most recipes are quick to prepare and cook
  • carbohydrates are clearlystated for each recipe (very important when following LCHF)
  • that I will try most of them

I'm still waiting for my copy of the Primal Blueprint... I'm hoping that it'll quick start my weight loss again as I seem to have stalled with no weight loss this week. I'm still sticking to LCHF and motivating myself by reading the success stories on Mark's daily apple.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

My journey to health: 7lbs in 7 days Day...10!

My journey to health: 7lbs in 7 days Day...10!: No I've not hidden in the chocolate aisle in Tesco, I'm still in there...Did 7lbs in 7 days work? Well on day 8 I stepped on the ...

The Primal stage of the journey...

Sometimes it seems to have been along journey and I've stopped of at different locations along the way:
Juicing with Jason Vale
Flirted with raw food diet with Alison
Would have loved to have thrown out the scales and ditched dieting with Jon Gabriel but hadn't got the nerve (felt a bit like bungee jumping and I don't like heights)
Have stayed sometime now with LCHF and like all the benefits particularly my husband's health improvements.
Now I'm at the next point going Primal...with Mark Sissons.

 This link takes you to an interview with Mark where he explains The Primal Blueprint.

 He's also got a really good daily Blog, Mark's daily apple 

It it still low carbs, high fat and protein but NO grains!
I really don't think this will be too difficult as I've already stopped eating bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and most things made with flour and I'm sure it'll get me to my destination...just 2 more stones to go!

And to inspire me on my way  my fat photos, now I've never posed in my bikini (long time since I wanted to be seen in one of those) I never really wanted to be on the photo so head and shoulders are about it, but I'm seeing the difference.  Here goes my fat photos:

Me at 14stone 2 give or take a lb, 
as you can see I didn't want to reaveal the bulges

Eating out in San Francisco can't believe I tried to lose weight before this holiday!   I'm 13 stone something...

And now I'm 2 stone lighter, not the best photo as I'm squinting into the sun, but it inspires me to continue on this weight loss road

Soooo let's go Primal...

Monday, 13 July 2015

My journey to health: Paleo diet, the primal diet, intuitive eating and more...

My journey to health: Paleo diet, the primal diet, intuitive eating and more...

Paleo diet, the primal diet, intuitive eating and more...

So many differing viewpoints/philosophies around what you should and shouldn't eat. All of them sounding so rational and yet which way to go... 
confused you bet.

All I want is a healthy eating plan to:

  • lose weight (big factor)
  • maintain good health, particularly as I get's not how long I live but the quality of life which is important.

I began this journey as I watched my husband's health deterioate.  The diabetes with high sugars has had a detrimental effect on his health. Leg ulcers, chronic heart failure, difficulty losing weight, exhaustion etc. Also all the medication he daily takes produces their own side effects. I refuse to accept that it's inevitable as you age. 

SO first things first I Have to continue to lose weight!! BUT I'm also concerned about eating the right foods.

Currently I'm following LCHF which I found on the diabetes forum there's loads of different ideas on nutrition but I got hooked up with the low carb diet forum. 

I now blog under timerich detailing the success of LCHF on my husband's health.

But what I really want is to get to the place (another 2 stone) where I'm not constantly on the scales and watching every mouthful...I just want to relax around food!!!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Lose 10lbs in 14 days

I've bought yet another book in my quest to lose weight and keep it off. 'The High Fat diet' by Zana Morris.

Does it work? Well maybe not 10lbs but six was pretty good. The best part of the book was the recipes as I'd begun to run outof ideas for LCHF meals.

However, the book was definitely based on a diet and not intended to become a lifestyle so there was a whole section on maintenance.....Maintenance... wouldn't that be great, just one problem I'm still 2 stone short of my target. By the time I'd reached this section I was down to 2 meals a day, no fruit and restricting my coffee to two a day as I like it with cream. Plus I was having a problem with constipation...I know too much information, but believe me if it happens to you then it's a problem!!

So I'm back to the drawing board or I should say surfing the find more ideas as I know LCHF is not just a one off.

Nearly there...

Three years on...                                       and the end is in sight... Finally,  within 2lbs of my target ...