Monday, 6 March 2017

Too much juicing can be dangerous...because what about the carbohydrate or the protein?

It's an amazing fact, that the minute you begin telling people you're eating healthily... i.e. juicing they tell you about the dangers!! 

An article on  'netdoctor' asks what about the carbohydrate? Yes we need it but not in vast quantities and what does it do?  Well it's easily converted to glucose giving instant energy and often more than the body can cope with so it stores it as fat!  

Juices give you fructose, so lots of energy, but a natural more complex sugar, but for some reason 'net doctor' thinks all your teeth will drop out if you drink juiced 'dangerous' fruits!

What about the protein? Well lots of veg have protein e.g. peas, spinach, kale, broccoli all firm favourites for juicing. But not only do they contain protein it's all the other lovely goodies, vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants etc. Blend your juices with avocados and not only do you get a creamy lush juice, but you get fibre, 'good' fats, protein and loads of minerals e.g potassium. 

Even without the avocado, juices contain soluble fibre which remains in the juice. So scaremongering about bloating and bowel problems are ridiculous. 

And there's also the story someone can't wait to tell you (when they find out your juicing) of a friend of a friend who knew someone who juiced and turned orange!!

Well yes, this is possible...but only if they'd drank nothing but carrots for weeks and weeks! Even the most hardened juicer isn't likely to do that!

Strangely, no one seems to comment if your eating foods high in trans fats. So this is most cakes,pies biscuits. They're not too bothered if you eat foods high in refined sugars either, sauces,jams,yogurts, canned fruit, breakfast cereals, ice cream ... 

Because after all, that's normal! Eating ourselves into an early grave!

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