Monday, 24 March 2014


Okay....1lb on, but according to my fitness coach I ignore it....! It can be anything, going out for Sunday lunch, getting my fats and proteins right or water retention due to the New Moon!!!

 So another week of measuring and counting...determined to get there.

 It didn't help that my fitness trainer took me out for a pre-Mother's Day treat.....
Albert's Didsbury Mcr.
I enjoyed every mouthful of  roast beef, yorkshire pud, chocolate volcano pud, oh and a very nice wine

New week so back on track..........!!

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Back on track

Good weigh in today, lost another 1lb, sooo back on track.  Just 1lb short of a 1 stone weight loss! Only another 2 or 3 stone to go.

Great photo of Taffie, catching her in motion.
 courtesy of Tim Harrison
Great walk today... Taffie has been restricted to walking on the lead recently since she's been spayed. So today's walk off the lead, was supposed to be a gentle walk.  No chance, as soon as she was off the lead, she was running up and down the banks around the reservoir,scrambling through the bracken and paddling at the waters edge.

Sunday lunch tomorrow at the Dog and Partridge (so I'm making it a REFEED day) 

Table in the bar (our favourite place)
Weather is still chilly enough to enjoy a welcoming fire

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Highs and lows of dieting!

So far, it's been success all the way , but last Saturday's weigh in was devastating!

  Ok so I knew I'd had a problem all week with going to the loo (enough information!)  But I was stunned to find I'd gained 4lbs!!! 
Quick check on My Fitness Pal  I couldn't see any problems...
Then I wondered if the rice measurements had been ok, I'd had rice 4 times that week, but I hadn't cooked the rice my husband had, so he'd weighed it.  I weighed out the dry rice with the measure he'd been using and discovered that it was well over...instead of 230gms between two of us it was 300gms. So my carb count was well over on at least four occasions. So problem solved but 41bs! 
Then Luke checked up with the food I'd eaten that week. He told me that my fat count had been too low on most days and that would make a massive difference to weight loss.
As the queen of diets, weight watchers, slimming world, GI etc. etc. I'm finding it difficult to equate not cutting down on the fats, handicapping weight loss.

Luke (my personal fitness coach)
Important facts : I have to get the balance between carbs,fats                                   and protein correct.
                               A low fat intake or a low protein intake slows                                 up weight loss.

I think that the key fact of most diets has been removing fat almost completely, so getting my head around the idea that fat is important has been difficult.
Also remembering that the body will only hold onto or store the carbohydrates /sugars. So even if I've gone over on the carbs I still have to eat my daily quota of protein and fat.
And this week 4lbs off so I'm back on track...weight loss to date 121bs so a long way to go...but very close to my first stone!

Nearly there...

Three years on...                                       and the end is in sight... Finally,  within 2lbs of my target ...